Alchemy in Action - Highlights of 2021

As we close out 2021 it’s fair to say it’s tried our patience, frustrated and scared us, lifted our spirits, and given us hope about the opportunities ahead. No matter your experience this year, I hope it was a year of growth for you and you’re ending the year with the balance tipped toward optimism for 2022.

I wanted to share my most popular takeaways for 2021 and say thank you to all those who engaged and shared my work this year. I’ll also give you a sneak peek into 2022 at the bottom.

The Most Popular in 2021:

Kind vs Nice: What does it mean to be kind but tough as nails when you need to be? This was the most popular Alchemy in Action post this year. It’s a lesson I’m personally drawn back to time and time again.

A Setback: Effectively dealing with setbacks is critical to long-term success. I heard from many of you about how very difficult that is emotionally. I agree and felt that acutely last January with my project Stoney Creek Farm. I spent the year learning from that setback and resetting. 

On Leadership and Hiring:
This year I wrote a lot about leadership and hiring, hoping to provide some practical guidance and shared experiences about how messy but important it can be. Your responses helped me see how much of a struggle hiring was this year for you. But I was also inspired by how many of you made game-changing hires that would not have been possible before.

The Internal Struggle: Ambition, and Equanimity: We are full of contradictory thoughts and emotions, and learning to live with and harmonize our complexity is a beautiful thing. Ambition and equanimity can live in the same space and the stories you shared with me helped me see that with even more clarity. Thank you. 

I posed a simple question: what about this could be good? It was a game-changer for many of you and shows the power of a simple reframe.

Entrepreneurial Reset:
Many of you really enjoyed our trip to Iceland, not just because it was Iceland, but because it represented a critical point: We need to take more time off, rest, and enjoy the journey. I hope you’re looking at 2022 with an eye toward that goal. 

Everything Has a Price:
Trade-offs can’t be avoided. But there is power in knowing what you’re trading and making a conscious choice as a result. 

Coming in 2022, a new and improved Alchemy of Money! 

I’m very excited to say we are launchinga subscription-based financial services and wealth-building platform for entrepreneurs called The Alchemy of Money. What started as classes on business profitability while I was building my brokerage business, moved to an on-demand course in 2021, and is now evolving to a platform for entrepreneurs and their finances. Expect new and robust content, monthly coaching, and important services such as bookkeeping, CFO level analysis and guidance, and access to private investment opportunities. It’s all coming together and will be live soon.

Interested? Respond to this email to get on the early notification list and be the first to join. 

Thank you and Happy Holidays!