Give yourself a gift this holiday season - the life you want to live

As I was building our businesses I used to think we needed massive, highly leveraged businesses to live the lives we wanted to with the freedom to do things that are important to us.  While that is one path, it’s not the only one.  There are many paths to your best life, but only one place to start.  You have to first define what you actually want and go from there.

Here are a couple suggestions on how to start.

  1. Write down specifics of the life you want to live.  Not the life you think you want to live, but one that is close enough to reality you can touch it, taste, it, feel it.
  2. Next, determine how much money it would cost to live that kind of life.  Put some numbers on that baby, make it real.
  3. Once that is defined, without limiting yourself, write down your options to generate that income.  Forgot about the obstacles, write down the options.
  4. Finally, find a mentor who is exhibits the life you want and get to know them.  Understand the nuances of how they execute and create a plan to do so for yourself with their help.

Most dreams die with the dreamer –  depressing but true.  It doesn’t have to be that way though.  So once again, four steps, imagine it with great details, put real numbers around it, define options, and find a mentor to help you create a plan.

Give yourself a gift this holiday season.  Get going on the life you want to live.