Getting up to Speed

To my Tribe,

I know, I said I’d see you in the new year in last week’s email. However, I thought many of you could benefit from reading about my two interconnected priorities, and I would love to hear your thoughts on how they might relate to your 2021 goals.

Priority 1: Start construction on my boutique country inn and event center called Stoney Creek Farm. Attached is the executive summary. I’ll be spending most of this week solidifying community support for the project by asking people to sign the support petition in advance of the planning commission meeting on January 4th. It’s game time for that project!

A behind the scenes comment on that… In 2019 I spent hours knocking on neighbors’ doors, touring people, and even crashing a neighborhood opposition community meeting to understand the community dynamics and how to best grow support. We’re about to see if my ground game paid off!

Priority 2: Continue the investment in my personal brand platform using this strategy document to guide our execution. In Q1 we’ll launch a new website and beta test a new wealth building product I’m very excited about. 

No one succeeds alone and so let me take this moment to thank BW Missions. They have been invaluable brand partners in 2020 and I look forward to growing with them in 2021.

Hit me up with questions, and let me know—what are your big rocks for 2021?

Finally, who do you know who might benefit from this Tribe? We have more than 200 in the group now and my goal is 1,000 by the end of 2021. You can refer people to me using this form.
