Last weekend I spent 3 hours reviewing my business P&Ls. The truth is, we’re not on goal for 2022. I use a simple 4 step process to help us get back on track. It’s called MOVE and I thought I’d share it with you today.
???? MOVE to Reality Fast: Look at sales, income, expenses, and profit year to date to see the current situation for what it is. Don’t fool yourself. Don’t make it worse than it is either.
???? ORIENT Your Position: Where you are today is more relevant if you understand where you are compared to this same period last month and last year. Context makes for better decisions.
???? VERIFY Necessary Changes: Form your opinions about what needs to happen, but make sure other stakeholders with other points of view weigh in.
???? EXECUTE the Revised Plan: Assign specific tasks to specific people with specific time frames.
April is a great month to reset if you’re not on target because you still have plenty of time to reestablish your goal trajectory.