3 tips to be purposeful at Holiday Parties

I love the holiday party season though, admittedly, I have to pace things or by the end of the month, I’ve burned out of holiday cheer.  I don’t always get it right, though I’ve learned over the years to be purposeful about my partying.  Here are 3 super practical tips I deploy each holiday season so I don’t turn into a Grinch before Christmas.

  1. Limit, one drink per party.  Period.  And only good stuff.  No excess holiday alcohol needed.  Triple down on the water, and only drink when the host pulls out the stops and buys something better than $10 red.
  2. Limit, one sugar item per party.  Period.  But only if it’s good stuff.  No need to pig out on sugar just because it’s there, instead, enjoy the gourmet treats and leave the grocery store bought goodies to the kids.
  3. Rather than go into the party prepared to small talk until 10 PM, go in with a few intentions and ask why, and who you want to see.  I set a goal to say hi to as many people as possible and to make 1 genuine connection that can be taken away from the party and developed into 2019.

Now, get on with it and have a great time!